Cardiovascular and Other Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing: A Review of the Evidence
internal stressors :: Article Creator Health And Wellness Promotion The Stress Response Cycle The Stress Response Cycle is a system of neurological and hormonal activities that create physiological changes to promote survival. It is commonly known as the "fight, flight, or freeze" response. Physiologically, the adrenal cortex releases adrenaline, which cause your heart to beat faster, muscles to tense, and breathing to become harder and shallower. It also releases cortisol, which shuts down functions in our body that would not serve us in a fight, flight, freeze situation, affecting the immune system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, and growth processes. In order to turn off the stress response, you need to complete the cycle. If you were being attacked by a lion, your stress response would activate, preparing you to fight, flee, or freeze. By doing one of those three things, you survive the lion attack. Once the threa