What causes low cholesterol? Symptoms and treatment - Medical News Today
Low cholesterol, or hypolipidemia, occurs when a person has unusually low cholesterol levels in their blood. Excess weight, insulin, and smoking can cause low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good" cholesterol. People can also have low levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol. Despite the name, the body needs some LDL cholesterol to function. Very low cholesterol levels may be a sign of an underlying disease. Some potential causes of low overall or LDL cholesterol include chronic infections, inflammation, and malnourishment. Read on to learn more about what causes low cholesterol. HDL is beneficial cholesterol. Some common causes of low HDL cholesterol include: Losing weight and quitting smoking may help bring HDL cholesterol to a satisfactory level. Less commonly, an underlying medical condition may lower HDL cholesterol: APOA1 deficiency: This rare genetic condition affects the APOA1 gene, which is responsible for encoding a prote...